Isn’t March supposed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb? The whole month seemed quite leonine!
Or to use another metaphor it’s been a whirlwind of (socially distanced!) activity here at Team Bean.
Team Bean had a ball taking over curating 😂 the Highlands and Islands Voices Twitter account for a week @HI_Voices, so it was a coffee flavoured view of Highland life, with an intro to some of Team Bean’s honorary canine members. Different curators take over each Sunday evening to let folks have different insights into life in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland.
Our long-awaited taster pack had its debut as the “Inverness Coffee Roasting Explorer Pack”, and loads have been snapped up already. They contain 6 smaller bags of coffee than usual from our range of world coffees, along with a flavour wheel with gustatory vocabulary to help you identify your favourite coffees, notes space so you remember which coffees you liked and why, and Team Bean’s own tasting notes to compare. Great for pressies, or if you’d like to get into coffee but aren’t sure where to start.

We took the leap and got our Environmental and Sustainability Policy down in print. We joined forces with Ecologi as a step in our journey to becoming a Carbon Positive workforce. Lots of onging work for us all, but a great start

And to top it all off, we introduced our new subscription packages, where we empower you to take control of your own caffeination, making it possible for you to pay monthly, choose your coffee, choose your grind, and make changes any time you like by logging into your own account.