Fazenda Rainha has belonged to the Carvalho Dias’ family since 1890. Gabriel de Carvalho Dias, nephew of the owner is responsible for managing the farm, which is located exactly on the border with the State of Minas Gerais and has the characteristics of the mountainous regions of Mogiana and South Minas. Plantations are handled manually because the local topography does not allow any type of mechanization.
Social and environmental aspects are considered fundamental by the farm’s management. The farm has a program to plant native species to maintain the ecological balance. Of the 484 hectares, only 190 are used for coffee plantation. Furthermore, the employees live in houses with complete infrastructure; there is a school for their children and a leisure area for the families with a club and an official soccer field. The water used in the farm is treated to avoid polluting its water sources.
The quality of the coffees produced at Fazenda Rainha is the result of the great dedication and care exerted from planting the nursery trees to harvesting and then processing the beans. The work performed by Regina Helena Mello de Carvalho Dias and her family to produce distinct quality cups led the coffees produced at her farm to be one of the finalists of the Cup of Excellence Contests – 2000, 2001 and 2005 editions.